Carving set and Saucier Spoon for Roasted Chicken
Services: Product Design, Craftmanship (Woodworking, Metalwork), Photography and Editorial Design
Year: 2022
Client: Kave Home
Partners: Elisava, Matteo Guida and Ihintza Errekondo
Location: Barcelona
Set for carving chicken: knife, fork, and spoon.
Sometimes roasted chicken is perceived as a fast and economical meal, associated with fried chicken. To change this perception, we wanted to evoke the nobility of Katanas, invoking ancestral archetypes.
To improve comfort when serving the roasted chicken sauce, we rotated the handle of the spoon 90 degrees. The spoon's shape also reflects the truncated cylinder at an angle as a design constant, responding to convexity with this concavity.
Set de trinchar pollo: cuchillo, tenedor y cuchara.
A veces el pollo asado es percibido como una comida rápida y económica, vinculada al pollo frito. Para cambiar esta percepción, quisimos remitir a la nobleza de las Katanas, evocando arquetipos ancestrales.
Para mejorar la comodidad a la hora de servir la salsa del pollo asado giramos el mango de la cuchara 90 grados. La forma de la cuchara también refleja el cilindro truncado en ángulo como constante de diseño, respondiendo a la convexidad con esta concavidad.