Joshua Linacisoro
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Batu Coffee Table
With Matteo Guida and Ihintza Errekondo

Services: Product Design, Craftmanship (Woodworking, Plexy-bending), Photography and Editorial Design
Year: 2022
Partners: Kave Home, Elisava
Location: Barcelona


Bringing people together, bringing people closer, uniting people.

Uniting people. At the table, form and function are equally important. The top part flies and its rotation places the table in a cross shape, so that the gaze of all diners converges at a central point.

This form (110x60x34.5cm) is made from glued and veneered MDF ribs, with a central piece of curved acrylic.


Jendea batu, ravvicinare le persone, unir a las personas, uniting people.

En la mesa, forma y función son iguales en importancia. La parte superior vuela y el giro de ella dispone la mesa en cruz, de manera que la mirada de todos los comensales converge en un punto central.

Esta forma contundente (110x60x34,5cm), está fabricada a partir de costillas de DM encoladas, rechapadondo el conjtuno. La una pieza central es metacrilato curvado.